Three Steps to Improve Your Relationship With Food: Eating mindfully benefits the soul and the stomach
Elizabeth Gilbert’s wildly popular memoir, Eat, Pray, Love highlights her peak gastronomic and meditative experiences. In the New York Times bestseller, the author divides blissful eating and mindfulness into two separate experiences: in Italy it was about the food, and in India it was about the meditation. In this blog post, I’m merging the two–meditation and eating–together, and the result will be good for the mind and the waistline.
Mindful Eating’s Evil Twin, Mindless Eating
We in the United States are known to be a hardworking lot. The frenetic pace that characterizes our daily lives means that eating becomes more of a task to get done as soon as possible rather than something to enjoy and appreciate.
We’re so busy checking off items from our to-do lists that we don’t think about nourishing our bodies until hunger hits. And by the time we’re … Read More »
How Meditation Can Ease Your Child’s Back-to-School Blue: Fall Signals the Start of High Stress Season
The long days of summer are coming to an end, which signals the start of the school year. Over the next few weeks, boys and girls across the country will be returning to their full time classroom positions. For them, back-to-school can be both exciting and stressful. No doubt that their lives are busier than ever. Homework, extra curricular activities, social commitments, and maybe even part time jobs mean that the fall can signal the start of the high stress season.
As a clinical psychologist in private practice, I’ve witnessed first hand the effects that today’s fast-paced lives have on my young clients. And I’ve also seen how stressed out sons and daughters make for equally anxious moms and dads. So what tools can we provide our youth so that they experience peace of mind despite the demands of daily life? … Read More »
Why Meditation Matters Today: Finding peace of mind in the midst of our busy lives
Although it’s the outrageous blunders of high profile people that make headline news, no one is immune to behaving badly. And many of life’s biggest missteps occur because our lives are out of balance. This blog is about tipping the scales away from stress and chaos and towards happiness and peace of mind. And one of the most powerful ways to do this is through meditation.
We lead busy lives, our responsibilities are great, and change is the only thing that remains the same. The purpose of my blog is to share the benefits of meditation and to teach you how to integrate this ancient practice into our modern lives. It’s a lofty goal, but one that I’ve spent over 20 years as a clinical psychologist exploring, and it’s a journey I look forward to taking with you.
#102 Meditation – Adapting Well to Life’s Changes & Finding Peace
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#102 Meditation – Adapting Well to Life’s Changes & Finding Peace
#101 Meditation-Steeping Ourselves in the Positive & the Beautiful
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#101 Meditation-Steeping Ourselves in the Positive & the Beautiful
#100 Meditation – Living Life without Mental Commentary
#99 (b) 30 Minute Guided Meditation for Expecting Parents
#99 (a) 30 Minute Guided Meditation for Expecting Parents (Intro.)
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
#99 (a) 30 Minute Guided Meditation for Expecting Parents (Intro.)
#98 Meditation-Enter the Monastery-Living the Monastic Life
Guided Meditation for a Visit to the Dentist
#96 Meditation-How Meditation Can Help Us With Pain & Our Fear of Pain
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#96 Meditation-How Meditation Can Help Us With Pain & Our Fear of Pain